Language, Regional Expertise and Culture (LREC) Training

Language Training

The Bridge platform allows LREC students to master the basics of foreign language and culture using digital technology, then apply those basics in realistic live immersion experiences.
Language, Regional Expertise and Culture (LREC) Training

LREC-centric LMS/CMS supporting full-spectrum digital functionality in 130+ languages

Bridge provides best-in-class, on-demand LREC coaching, mentoring, instruction, immersion and content creation services through our training technology platform for all USG and partner nation professional language learners.

US and partner nation LREC capability is critical for security, diplomatic and commercial success. However, legacy vendors and schools cannot logistically support current and expanding requirements in a cost-effective manner. Legacy LREC vendor models and USG requirements prioritize training in physical schools. The student experience is highly impersonal, fragmented, and overwhelming while relying on an outdated brick and mortar value chain that cannot offer career-long development.

Language Regional Expertise & Culture (LREC) Education Technology & Services

LREC Transformation Guiding Principles:

1.  A Personal On-Line Coach for Every Learner

2.  The Best Language School is the One You Always Have with You.

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Our mission is to evolve USG and commercial education standards for blended learning & educational content management technologies.

Fewer people are needed to make what would have been produced by legacy & generic LREC vendors, but more experts are needed to make what our clients and their learners demand.

True LREC proficiency is most effectively developed in concert
with high quality and engaged coaches. Technology will not replace language instructors, but high-quality coaches and instructors who use BRIDGE technology well will quickly replace those who do not.

Transformation is not about changing everything, but rather about revolutionizing a few key things.

Can LREC technology train a learner as well as an instructor can?
We believe that is the wrong question. The better questions are…
  • What are the high-volume leverage points susceptible to re-engineering with blended learning technologies and best practices that can transform the economics, logistics and reliability of LREC acquisition, enhancement and prevent proficiency drop-off?
  • What offers the most bang for the buck?
  • What component processes can we shrink to one tenth the cost to cut the overall process cost in half?
  • What part of the work can we make ten times as satisfying for students and instructors to make the whole process twice as engaging?

Our BRIDGE School and product development focuses on answering those questions.


CONUS ISO-Immersions & OCONUS Immersions